Story of the day: A judge convicts a lone father of three for robbery without realizing he is the son she lost years earlier.

As Linda, 28, screamed in pain, doctors and nurses rushed in and out of the maternity ward. Given that it was her first child, the pain of giving birth was beyond anything she could have ever imagined.
The baby’s arrival was like a brilliant ray of sunshine penetrating through ominous storm clouds. In anticipation of holding her new child, Linda sobbed in both pain and joy.
She did not, however, hear her infant’s cries when she awoke. Nobody was bringing the man inside. “My baby is missing. She enquired, “Nurse, where is my baby?”
She was startled to see an empty bunk next to her as she spun around in her bed. When the nurse informed her that she had fallen into a coma after giving birth, she was astounded.

“Where is our infant, Edison? When her husband approached her a short while later, she said, “I want to see him. Bring my infant here. He’s not here. Why won’t you respond to me?
Edison revealed the most painful truth that had destroyed Linda while turning away. “We can’t afford to raise the baby because he was born with Erb’s palsy. After you lost this case, you were fired from your job, and no law firm wants to hire you again. We can’t raise a disabled child while already having financial difficulties.
What have you done with my son, Edison?

I offered him for adoption.
She cried out, asking “How could you do this to me?”
The poor mother who had been so desperate for a child was destroyed by Edison’s confession. She tried for years to conceive, so the child she gave birth to was a miracle baby.
She divorced her husband because she could not stand his behavior and began looking for her child. Linda never did locate her son, however, as he was adopted by an unidentified family.

After losing her only child, the emptiness in her heart grew over time. Linda’s suffering persisted over the years, which is something no mother would want to see.
In court, 38 years after the fact…
“Please take a seat… As she took her place in court, Linda greeted the jury, “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.” She was now a highly skilled criminal court judge after moving up the ranks.
She removed her eyewear and cleaned them. In all of her thirty years of service, the case she was working on that particular day was the most unique and complicated.
She was about to impose a prison term on a man who had stolen expensive medication for his ill daughter. His name was Jonathan, and he had three kids along with being poor and disabled.
“Your Honor, I didn’t have the money to pay for my sick daughter’s expensive medications. Jonathan said with tears in his eyes, “I stole them from the pharmacy but planned to pay for them when I got my monthly allowance.
Linda interrupted and examined the man’s papers, saying, “Theft is theft, whether you intended to pay or not.
She observed that he had Erb’s palsy as she stared at him. Linda double-checked the file’s entry for his birthdate. She noticed that Jonathan and her son were both born on the same day for some reason.
If Jonathan turned out to be Linda’s missing son, would she reconsider her decision and give him a prison term?

Linda was fired from her job as a lawyer a few years ago for refusing to assist a wealthy man with his bail after a car accident. She sacrificed her career to stand up for justice.
Even though she thought Jonathan might be her long-lost son, she ultimately made the right choice that day. He was given a year in prison after the judge found him guilty of robbery.
Linda prioritized justice and carried out her obligations. Later, she listened to her mother’s intuition and visited Jonathan in jail to learn more about him. After being led to the visiting room, the man was shocked to discover a judge waiting for him.
“I am aware of your possible thoughts. I’m not here to apologize for my decision, though. I’ve read your papers and am interested in learning more about you.

Tell me about your parents, please. – she questioned Jonathan after learning that he had been adopted 38 years prior.
“A few years ago, my adoptive parents passed away. “My wife and I had a wonderful life together, but after she passed away from cancer, I was left to raise our three daughters by myself,” the man said as Linda started to sob.
Would it be okay if Jonathan and I performed a DNA test together? Jonathan was taken aback by Linda’s inquiry because it seemed unexpected.
An analysis of DNA, but why?
Because you might be the son I lost 38 years ago, Linda responded, clenching her lips and swallowing a lump in her throat.

The man was stunned and mute. A few weeks after agreeing to participate in the DNA test with her, the results showed that they were indeed related.
Her lost son was Jonathan, a devoted father who his mother had imprisoned. When Linda saw the man again, she told him about her amazing discovery. He wasn’t sure how to respond at first.
“I feel confused and joyful. After my adoptive parents passed away, I once more believed I was an orphan. But I’m glad my mother came to get me. Where is Dad, Mum?
“Don’t discuss him. He was primarily responsible for our breakup. He took my motherhood away from me. He abducted my son. I recently heard that he passed away from a heart attack after I divorced him.
“Son, I apologize. Despite my best efforts, I was never able to locate you. You were offered for forced adoption, so I was unable to find you. We didn’t even realize we were in the same town.
Jonathan and Linda hugged while she made a tearful commitment to take care of his daughters. Later on that day, the judge went to see Jonathan’s three daughters and gave them assurances that they wouldn’t be left alone.
She adopted them and brought them home a short while later. Linda was committed to enhancing the future of her granddaughters despite the fact that she was unable to change the past and undo what her late husband had done.
After a year…

Jonathan completed his prison term and went home. They lived as a happy family together after Linda assisted him in obtaining a new position with her friend’s business.
They worked hard to improve their lives and never returned to their troubled past.

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