‘This Is absolutely heartbreaking’: Matt LeBlanc’s farewell message for Matthew Perry leaves fans in tears

In response to the death on October 28 of his friend and co-star Matthew Perry, Matt LeBlanc has spoken out.

Although Perry struggled with alcohol and drug misuse for many years, people close to him say that he was sober at the time of his untimely death. The actor, who is most known for playing the witty Chandler Bing in the beloved television series Friends, was discovered in his Los Angeles home’s hot tub.

In a joint statement following Perry’s untimely death, they said, “We are all so completely crushed by Matthew’s loss. We were not just coworkers on the show. We belong to a family.

Naturally, they showed up for Perry’s funeral. He was buried in Los Angeles’ Forest Memorial Park.

Matthew was a tremendously talented actor who left a lasting legacy within the Warner Bros. Television Group. His legacy will live on in the hearts of so many people, and his hilarious genius was felt all around the world, according to a statement released by Warner Bros.

Despite his immense fame in the movie industry, Perry wished to be known for his unwavering commitment to helping individuals facing the same addiction that he had.

“…the dreams now—without a doubt, the finest thing about me is when someone approaches me and asks for help quitting drinking. Yes, I am able to respond. then proceed after that. The best thing is that. In his memoir, he stated, “And—I’ve said this for a long time—I want that to be the first thing that’s mentioned when I die.”

Perry claimed that his Friends co-stars understood exactly what he was going through because he battled addictions during filming several of the seasons, and he gave them credit for supporting him throughout his darkest moments: “They were understanding, and they were patient.”

Matt LeBlanc was one of Perry’s closest pals, both on and off the set.

The Lovesick actor uploaded five images on social media that showcase various experiences they had together while they were co-starring on Friends.In his final photo, the whole ensemble was seen giving each other a heartfelt embrace.

Matthew. I say farewell with heavy heart. Honestly, those were some of my best memories of our time together,” LeBlanc posted on Instagram. LeBlanc wrote in his article, “It was an honor to share the stage with you and to call you my friend.” “I will never forget you and I will always smile when I think of you.” Never. Now that you’re free, brother, spread your wings and soar. With much love. LeBlanc joked in typical Joey form to wrap up his letter, saying, “And I guess you’re keeping the 20 bucks you owe me.”

Many of the condolence messages expressed that Perry and LeBlanc had a true connection.

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