Ukrainian woman Valentina has always wanted children, but she has struggled to conceive. She made the decision to seek assistance from a family planning office when she was 60 years old so that she would have a chance to have children.

She had saved enough money for the procedure when she learned she was expecting her first kid in 2010. In 2011, Valentina gave birth to a healthy child called Anna-Maria. Everyone was surprised by this.

Valentina made the decision to keep her daughter’s life and her own private. She shied away from interviews and visits despite the compliments and media attention.

Valentina did her first interview four years later. She discussed how it was difficult for her to live because of other people’s judgment and envy. Despite her difficulties, Anna-Maria, who is now nine years old, is a bright and helpful youngster who supports her mother and performs well in school.

What are your thoughts on people having children later in life?