Dad kicks son out of the house after he was excluded from the young man’s wedding

A father from New Jersey bought his son a four-bedroom house in Pennsylvania when the son opted to go there after graduating from college as a kind gesture.

John, the father, regarded it as an investment and a means of keeping in touch with his son Mark, who regularly traveled from New Jersey to Manhattan for work.

At first, the arrangement seemed to be working out nicely: John would pay for the house’s taxes, services, and upkeep, with Mark handling the remaining costs. Everything was good in Mark’s life until he met Lisa, the love of his life, and they decided to move in together in the Pennsylvania mansion.

Everything was going great for the young couple until they got engaged and the subject of their wedding came up. They seemed to fit right in with each other’s families.

Getty is credited.

The drama begins.
In order to properly meet and celebrate the engagement, a “get to know you” cookout was arranged at the Pennsylvania home. At first, it appeared that everything was going well and that everyone got along.

But when the bride-to-be’s mother and sisters, Mark, the wife of John, and their daughter all entered the house at the same time, things took a bad turn.

The Johns’ daughter and wife entered the house shortly after, looked very distressed, and declared that they were going to leave right away to return to New Jersey. They would not say why they had been so unhappy.

John drove his wife and children back to New Jersey, as he detailed in his Reddit post, rather than pursuing the matter further. After they’d had time to gather themselves, he discovered why they’d made such a fast retreat.

It turned out that the prospective bride’s family had notified John’s wife and daughter that they were not “their kind of people” when they were inside the house, and as a result, they had not received an invitation to the wedding.

Beata Zawrzel / NurPhoto / Getty is credited.

Startled by this discovery, John got in touch with Mark to talk about it. According to his kid, Lisa’s family didn’t invite him because they thought his family wasn’t from the same social class and would make a fool of them during the wedding.

Once he had cooled off, John took a car from New Jersey to Pennsylvania so they could have a face-to-face conversation. When he arrived, he was shocked and disappointed to learn of an unforeseen circumstance.

John’s unexpected revelation
When John arrived home in Pennsylvania, he was surprised to see Lisa and her family living there. It seems that they had moved in without asking or telling Mark.

The man said that he was there to talk with his son about the wedding circumstances when Lisa’s family questioned him about why he was there. They responded by demanding that he leave the residence, which prompted the man to choose a big choice. He recalled:

“I snapped and gave them a 30-day ultimatum to leave. Inform my son that I’m selling the house and that he is welcome to move elsewhere with all of you. I list the house for sale with a local realtor.

This was completed without Mark’s presence. Lisa actually made the decision to alert Mark of the situation over the phone at work. She thought that he, not his father, was the rightful owner of the house.

Credit: Getty / Basak Gurbuz Derman.

After learning of the news, Mark called his father to ask about the sale of the house. John clarified that his son was supposed to leave the house since he was living there without paying rent and had chosen to cut himself apart from the family.

John believed that his family was no longer important and that his in-laws had taken over. John then sent Mark, Lisa, and Lisa’s family a 30-day notice to leave the property, threatening to hire a lawyer if needed.

Many on Reddit agreed with John, stating that it was unquestionably the right decision to kick Lisa and Mark out of the house along with Lisa’s nasty relatives.

Whoa… How would you respond? Tell us in the comments below!

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