Wendy Auger’s Fight to Keep Her Vanity Plate

Wendy Auger has proudly displayed her vanity plate, “PB4WEGO,” for fifteen years. However, the state of New Hampshire recently declared it to be “inappropriate,” which left Wendy perplexed and irritated.

Wendy begged the New Hampshire Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to keep her vanity plate, but the DMV refused, citing the plate’s offensive language. But Wendy has always used her car to express herself and to light up people’s faces.

Wendy maintains that the state’s denial is an infringement on her right to free expression. According to her, saying “pe* before we go” is simple parental advice and isn’t offensive in any way. She feels that the DMV’s ruling unnecessarily violated her rights.

Getting the “PB4WEGO” plate was a much-needed accomplishment for Wendy. She had been eagerly awaiting the availability of vanity plates since New Hampshire increased the character limit from six to seven. She was overjoyed with this small victory, but it seems to be fading now.

The state bases its finding on specific laws pertaining to vanity plates. They argue that Wendy’s circumstances stem from the fact that these rules were established in compliance with a previous court ruling. But is it really reasonable to expect Wendy to give up something that has become a fundamental aspect of her identity?

Is Wendy really ready to part with her beloved vanity plate? As she battles to preserve it, she hopes that the authorities will reconsider their decision and recognize the innocent of the message she chose.

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