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Author: editor
I’ve always loved theater, and I think it takes a lot of confidence to walk up on stage and sing or act.
😲You will be amazed when you see this girl after her makeup: she shines like a Hollywood star.
Scott and Jackie Nelson were shocked to learn that Coconut the horse was from Melbourne, Florida.
In the high-stakes world of talent competitions, where performances are judged by their ability to captivate
At the launch event, Sydnie Christmas gives a moving performance of “Tomorrow.” At the opening party
A true miracle occurred when the unusual triplets were born in 1987. They are odd in that they are all alike.
Everyone was in awe of this gifted seven-year-old boy’s amazing voice and flawless sense of rhythm.
The amazing performance of 20-year-old self-taught pianist Kieran Rowds moved the judges of *America’s
When the judges on *The X Factor UK* chuckled at a female contestant’s performance during an audition
A bench in a park might have a mystical quality. It’s a place where time moves at its own speed